The board-certified specialists at Neurology Consultants Huntsville work together to combine their training and skill to handle the most complex neurovascular disorders.
There are a variety of symptoms that could indicate a possible stroke, including a sudden, severe, and uncharacteristic headache, slurred speech or difficulty talking or understanding, numbness or weakness, especially if it involves one side of the body, sudden trouble walking or standing or sudden blurred or lost vision involving one eye or seeing to one side.

The board-certified specialists at Neurology Consultants Huntsville work together to combine their training and skill to handle the most complex neurovascular disorders.
There are a variety of symptoms that could indicate a possible stroke, including a sudden, severe, and uncharacteristic headache, slurred speech or difficulty talking or understanding, numbness or weakness, especially if it involves one side of the body, sudden trouble walking or standing or sudden blurred or lost vision involving one eye or seeing to one side.


If your loved one is having problems thinking, remembering or speaking clearly, or is experiencing noticeable personality changes, it’s probably time to seek help.
We at Neurology Consultants Huntsville stay informed on any new dementia research and treatments and how they may impact your loved one’s health.
We are trained to detect the signs of dementia, which may include:
Memory problems, including an inability to recognize familiar people or recall recent events
Increased confusion and disorientation
Reduced concentration or attention span
Personality and behavior changes
Depression, apathy or a withdrawal from favorite activities
Difficulty performing familiar tasks or solving problems
Poor judgment or decision-making
Difficulty communicating or finding words